
(Barré) #1

TABLE 19.4. Splints for Various Extremity Injuries


Long arm splint Elbow and proximal Splint posterior proximal arm down Elbow is flexed.
forearm injuries to hand at MCP joint. Provide sling.

Double sugar-tong Elbow and forearm Two pieces: First splint from posterior Elbow is flexed.
splint injuries MCP joint around elbow and back to Prevents pronation and
anterior MCP joint. Then splint medial supination of the forearm
proximal humerus around elbow to which is preferable for distal
lateral humerus. forearm and elbow fractures
Provide sling.

Volar splint Hand and wrist injuries Splint from palm at MCP joint along Wrist in slight extension
volar forearm to just proximal to elbow.

Sugar-tong splint Distal radius and ulnar Splint from posterior MCP joint around Prevents pronation and
injuries elbow and back to anterior MCP joint. supination of the forearm.

Thumb spica splint Scaphoid, lunate, thumb, Splint from distal to Interphalangeal Position hand as if it was
and first metacarpal thumb joint to mid forearm. holding a glass.

Ulnar gutter Little and ring fingers, Incorporate the little and ring With boxer’s fractures, MCP
and fourth and fifth fingers to mid forearm along joint should be flexed to 90°.
metacarpals medial forearm.

Radial gutter Splint radial aspect of forearm from
splint distal IP joint of index finger to mid

Swathe and Proximal humerus Sling supports weight of arm; swathe
sling shoulder fractures, reduced immobilizes arm.
immobilizer shoulder dislocations

Knee immobilizer Ligamentous injuries
of the knee

Posterior knee Mild to moderate knee Splint form below buttocks crease to Alternatively, two parallel splints
splint injuries above the ankle of posterior leg. placed along each side of the
leg and foreleg can immobilize
lateral and medial collateral

Posterior ankle Distal fibula and tibia, Splint from plantar surface of metatarsal Ankle is flexed to 90°.
splint ligaments, and reduced heads to posterior foreleg up to fibular
ankle dislocations head.

U-splint (sugar-tong Ankle injuries Splint from fibular head under plantar Immobilizes the medial and
ankle splint) surface of foot to medial side of foreleg. lateral ligaments
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