
(Barré) #1

aortic regurgitation (AR), 106–107
aortic stenosis (AS), 106–107
aortoenteric fistulas, 547–548
apathetic hyperthyroidism, 411
APGAR score, 877
aphthous stomatitis, 693–695
aplastic anemia, 258
aplastic crisis, 458
apnea of prematurity, 300
appendageal torsion, 852–853
appendicitis, 552–554, 598
applanation tonometry, 884
apprehension test, 212
AR (aortic regurgitation), 106–107
ARB (angiotensin receptor
blockers), 344–345
arc burns, 637
ARDS (acute respiratory distress
syndrome), 18, 301,
ARF (acute renal failure), 825–830
arrythmogenic right ventricular
dysplasia, 102
ARS (acute radiation syndrome),
arsenic, 356–357
arterial aneurysms, 113–116
arterial catheterization, 870
arterial circulatory disorders
aortic dissection, 116–120
arterial aneurysms, 113–116
occlusive arterial disease,
overview, 113
arterial gas embolism (AGE), 647
arthritis, 224–226
arthrocentesis, 886–887
articular surface fractures, 204
AS (aortic stenosis), 106–107
asbestos, 521
ascent barotrauma, 646–647
ascent dysbarism, 646–648
ascites, 570
ASD (atrial septal defect), 247
asphyxiants, 358
aspiration pneumonitis, 511–515
aspirin, 82, 370–372, 470, 643
assault, 928
asthma, 18, 303, 498–500
asystoles, 41
ataxia, 749–750
atlantoaxial dislocations, 153
atlanto-occipital dislocations, 153
atopic dermatitis, 248–250
atrial fibrillation (AFIB), 29–30
atrial flutter, 28–29
atrial septal defect (ASD), 247
atrial tachycardia, 27–28
atrioventricular (AV) blocks, 21–24
Atropa belladonna, 650, 654

atropine, 10, 42–43, 380, 882
atypical antipsychotics, 338–340
atypical organisms, 503
auricular hematoma, 663–664
autoimmune hepatitis, 568–569
AV (atrioventricular) blocks, 21–24
avascular necrosis of femoral head,
AV-nodal reentrant tachycardia
(AVNRT), 30–31
avulsed teeth, 690–691
avulsion fractures, 174–175
awake intubation, 11–12
azalea, 650–651

babesiosis, 441–442
BAC (blood alcohol
concentration), 773
Bacillus anthracis, 904
Bacillus cereus, 550
bacterial conjunctivitis, 697–699
bacterial tracheitis, 303–304, 681
bacterial vaginosis (BV), 601
Bacteroides, 503
β-Adrenergics, 600
bagging, 353
bag-valve mask ventilation, 6–8
balanitis, 847
balanoposthitis, 847
ballistics, 189–192
balloon tamponade, 538, 873–874
bamboo spine, 226
Bankart lesions, 206
barbiturates, 377–378
bark scorpion stings, 620–621
barotrauma, 19
Bartholin abscesses, 609
Barton fractures, 201–202
basilar skull fractures, 149–150,
Battle sign, 671
β-blockers, 83, 341–342
Beck’s triad, 96
bee stings, 620
Behçet disease, 483
bell-clapper deformity, 845
Bell palsy, 753–754
Benadryl, 374
benign liver neoplasms, 573
Bennett fractures, 197
benzodiazepines, 332, 378, 775
berry aneurysms, 736
beta thalassemia, 456
bicuspid aortic valve, 244
bidirectional ventricular
tachycardia, 34
bifascicular blocks, 69–70

biguanides, 348
bilateral facet dislocations, 153
bi-level positive airway pressure
(BIPAP), 18
biliary tract diseases, 573–577
bilious emesis, 268
bilirubin toxicity, 241
billing, 919
biological weapons of mass
anthrax, 904–906
plague, 906–908
smallpox, 908–910
tularemia, 910–911
viral hemorrhagic fever,
bioterrorism agents, 511
BIPAP (bi-level positive airway
pressure), 18
bipolar disorder, 784–785
bismuth, 531
lizard, 623–624
mammalian, 615–618
octopus, 623
spider, 618–619
black widow spiders, 380, 618–619
bladder trauma, 176
blast injuries, 915–916
blastomycosis, 442, 507–508
blind drunk, 320
blind nasotracheal intubation,
blood alcohol concentration
(BAC), 773
blood and tissue nematodes, 444
blood dyscrasias, 339
blood gases, 19–20, 399–400
blood pressure, 123
blood products, 61–63
blood volume, 385
blue bloaters, 501
blue-dot sign, 852
blunt abdominal trauma, 168–172
blunt chest trauma, 158–166
blunt myocardial injuries (BMIs),
BNP (B-Type natriuretic peptide),
body packers, 351, 778
body stuffers, 351
Boerhaave syndrome,
Bohler’s angle, 218
Bordetella pertussis, 491
botulism, 436–437, 765
Boutonniere deformity, 196
Bowing fractures, 299
Boxer fractures, 196–197
Boyle’s law, 644
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