Game Engine Architecture

(Ben Green) #1

82 2. Tools of the Trade

z The “,n” suffi x (where n is any positive integer) forces Visual Studio to
treat the value as an array with n elements. This allows you to expand
array data that is referenced through a pointer.
Be careful when expanding very large data structures in the watch window, be-
cause it can sometimes slow the debugger down to the point of being unusable. Data Break Points
Regular break points trip when the CPU’s program counter hits a particular
machine instruction or line of code. However, another incredibly useful fea-
ture of modern debuggers is the ability to set a break point that trips when-
ever a specifi c memory address is writt en to (i.e., changed). These are called
data break points, because they are triggered by changes to data, or sometimes
hardware break points, because they are implemented via a special feature of the
CPU’s hardware—namely the ability to raise an interrupt when a predefi ned
memory address is writt en to.
Here’s how data break points are typically used. Let’s say you are tracking
down a bug that manifests itself as a zero (0.0f) value mysteriously appear-
ing inside a member variable of a particular object called m_angle that should
always contain a nonzero angle. You have no idea which function might be
writing that zero into your variable. However, you do know the address of the
variable. (You can just type “&object.m_angle” into the watch window to
fi nd its address.) To track down the culprit, you can set a data break point on
the address of object.m_angle, and then simply let the program run. When
the value changes, the debugger will stop automatically. You can then inspect
the call stack to catch the off ending function red-handed.
To set a data break point in Visual Studio, take the following steps.
z Bring up the “Breakpoints” window found on the “Debug” menu under
“Windows” and then “Breakpoints” (Figure 2.15).
z Select the “New” drop-down butt on in the upper-left corner of the win-

Figure 2.14. Comma suffi xes in the Visual Studio watch window.
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