Game Engine Architecture

(Ben Green) #1

48 1. Introduction

z a network of path nodes or roaming volumes, that defi nes areas or paths
where AI characters are free to move without fear of colliding with static
world geometry;
z simplifi ed collision information around the edges of each free-roaming
z knowledge of the entrances and exits from a region, and from where in
each region an enemy might be able to see and/or ambush you;
z a path-fi nding engine based on the well-known A* algorithm;
z hooks into the collision system and world model, for line-of-sight (LOS)
traces and other perceptions;
z a custom world model which tells the AI system where all the entities of
interest (friends, enemies, obstacles) are, permits dynamic avoidance of
moving objects, and so on.
Kynapse also provides an architecture for the AI decision layer, including
the concept of brains (one per character), agents (each of which is responsible
for executing a specifi c task, such as moving from point to point, fi ring on an
enemy, searching for enemies, etc.), and actions (responsible for allowing the
character to perform a fundamental movement, which oft en results in playing
animations on the character’s skeleton).

1.6.16. Game-Specifi c Subsystems
On top of the gameplay foundation layer and the other low-level engine com-
ponents, gameplay programmers and designers cooperate to implement the
features of the game itself. Gameplay systems are usually numerous, highly
varied, and specifi c to the game being developed. As shown in Figure 1.30,
these systems include, but are certainly not limited to the mechanics of the
player character, various in-game camera systems, artifi cial intelligence for
the control of non-player characters (NPCs), weapon systems, vehicles, and


Game-Specific Rendering

Terrain Rendering Water Simulation & Rendering


Player Mechanics

Collision Manifold Movement

State Machine & Animation

Game Cameras

Player-Follow Camera Through CamDebug Fly-

Fixed Cameras Scripted/Animated Cameras


Sight Traces & Perception Path Finding (A*)

Camera-Relative Controls (HID) Goals & Decision-Making (Engine Interface)Actions

Weapons Power-Ups Vehicles Puzzles etc.

Figure 1.30. Game-specifi c subsystems.
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