Introduction xxi
Software requirements
The following software is required to complete the practice exercises.
■■Visual Studio 2012 Professional, Visual Studio 2012 Premium, or Visual Studio 2012
Ultimate. You must pay for these versions, but in lieu of one of these versions, you can
install the following free express versions.
■■Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web. Available from
■■Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows 8. This installation also installs Blend for
Visual Studio 2012. Available from
Practice exercises
This book features practices exercises to reinforce the topics you’ve learned. These
exercises are organized by chapter, and you can download them from ht tp://
Thanks go to the following people for making this book a reality.
■■To Carol Dillingham for your constructive feedback throughout the entire process of
writing this book. Thanks for also having patience while the winter holiday months
were passing, and my desire and ability to write was constantly interrupted.
■■To Devon Musgrave for providing me the opportunity to write this book.
■■To Kerin Forsyth for your hard work in making this book consistent with other
Microsoft Press books and helping me with the delivery of this book.
■■To Pierce Bizzaca for your technical reviewing skills.
To all the other editors and artists who played a role in getting my book to the public,
thank you for your hard work and thanks for making this book venture a positive experience
for me.
Errata and book support
We’ve made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this book and its companion content.
Any errors that have been reported since this book was published are listed on our Microsoft
Press site at