
(coco) #1

110.A 42-year-old woman who has been a type I diabetic for 30 years falls
when she trips over her vacuum cleaner hose. She tried to break her fall by
placing her hand out to save herself and in the process her wrist is forced
backwards. She arrives in the emergency room and an x-ray of her wrist is
shown in the accompanying x-ray. The first step in the healing of this injury is?

198 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

a. Internal callus
b. External callus
c. Clot
d. Pannus
e. Granulation tissue

(Image 6120, used with permission from the Radiological Anatomy website, University of
Kansas, School of Medicine, http://classes. Kumc.edu/SOM/radanatomy/.)

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