
(coco) #1

Lymphoid System and

Cellular Immunology


DIRECTIONS: Each item below contains a question or incomplete
statement followed by suggested responses. Select the one bestresponse to
each question.

167.Clonal selection functions to do which of the following?
a. Create the optimal immune response to one specific antigen
b. Stimulate immunoglobulin class switching
c. Stimulate the production of self-reacting lymphocytes
d. Form specific colony-forming units for erythropoiesis and granulopoiesis in the
bone marrow
e. Choose the appropriate homing receptors for lymphocytes

168.Tacrolimus (FK506) is prescribed for a patient who received an allo-
geneic liver transplant. The mechanism of action of tacrolimus is blockage
of signal transduction pathways in which of the following cells?
a. T lymphocytes
b. Plasma cells
c. Monocytes
d. Eosinophils
e. Mast cells

169.The shortage of human organs for transplant has focused attention
on xenotransplantation as a potential solution for obtaining donor organs.
Rejection of a pig pancreas transplanted into a human would occur pri-
marily through which of the following mechanisms?
a. Preformed antibodies recognize carbohydrates on endothelial cells in the graft.
b. TClymphocytes recognize dendritic cells in the graft
c. THlymphocytes recognize macrophages in the graft
d. Plasma cell response to antigens in the βcells of the islets
e. Hyperacute response of T cells to the pancreatic acinar cells


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