
(coco) #1

Respiratory System


DIRECTIONS: Each item below contains a question or incomplete
statement followed by suggested responses. Select the one bestresponse to
each question.

183.A 52-year-old man, who has smoked two packs of cigarettes per day
for the past 38 years, presents with diminished breath sounds detected by
auscultation accompanied by faint high-pitched rhonchi at the end of each
expiration and a hyperresonant percussion note. He is afebrile. In addition,
he shows discomfort during breathing and is using extra effort to involve
accessory muscles to lift the sternum. The diminished lung sounds in this
patient are primarily due to which cellular events?
a. Monocytic infiltration leading to collagenase destruction of bronchiolar con-
nective tissue support
b. Neutrophilic infiltration leading to destruction of bronchiolar and septal elastic
c. Monocytic infiltration leading to breakdown of the bronchiolar smooth muscle
d. Neutrophilic infiltration leading to excess production of antiprotease activity in
the lung parenchyma
e. Monocytic infiltration leading to excess production of antiprotease activity in
the lung parenchyma

184.Which of the following is the smallest active functional unit (includ-
ing conduction and air exchange) of the lung?
a. An alveolus
b. A respiratory bronchiolar unit
c. A bronchopulmonary segment
d. Segmental bronchi
e. An intrapulmonary bronchus


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