
(coco) #1
Respiratory System 291

a. Form during gestation
b. Proliferate sufficiently during gestation
c. Differentiate sufficiently during gestation
d. Produce sufficient amniotic fluid
e. Form its basal lamina resulting in an incomplete blood-air barrier

(Electron micrograph courtesy of Dr. Kuen-Shan Hung.)

187.A 35-week gestation, 5 lb 5 oz female infant was born to a 30-year-old
G2P2 woman. The infant had rapid and labored breathing that was viewed
as transient tachypnea of the newborn. The infant’s 1- and 5-min APGAR
scores were 8 and 9, respectively. She initially breastfed, but now has respi-
ratory distress, with a normal pulse and no heart murmurs. She is trans-
ported to the neonatal intensive care unit with worsening tachypnea. In that
infant, the cells labeled with the arrow fail to do which of the following?

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