216.In hemolytic jaundice, the structure labeled with the arrow in the
accompanying photomicrograph will contain which of the following?
324 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology
a. Elevated urobilinogen levels
b. Elevated bilirubin levels
c. Decreased urobilinogen levels
d. Decreased bilirubin levels
e. Elevated numbers of lymphocytes undergoing diapedesis
217.A 4-day-old boy weighing 7 lb, 6 oz is brought to the emergency
room by his parents. The examining emergency room physician notes that
his skin and sclerae are icteric. A blood test indicates elevated unconju-
gated bilirubin in the serum. The elevated bilirubin levels in this patient are
most likely the result of which of the following?
a. Deficiency of enzymes regulating bilirubin solubility
b. Hepatocellular proliferation
c. Decreased destruction of red blood cells
d. Dilation of the common bile duct
e. Increased hepatocyte uptake of bilirubin