227.A 33-year-old woman visits the office of her family medicine physi-
cian. Her chief complaint is nervousness. She describes her nervousness as
increasing over the past 6 weeks. She says that her children and husband
describe her as atypically “easy to anger.” She says that she now easily loses
her temper and often cries for little or no apparent reason, and she has
developed a tremor in her right arm. She has lost 22 lb since her last office
visit 9 months ago and indicates that she has not changed her diet. She
describes herself as always “hot.” You observe that her eyes protrude and
appear red and inflamed, and she describes her eyes as feeling “dry.” Your
examination reveals asthenia, tachycardia, and pretibial myxedema. A
biopsy of the organ shown below shows an increase in lymphoid cells. An
array of tests is completed. To which of the following would you expect to
detect autoantibodies within this organ?
344 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology
a. C cells
b. Parathyroid principal cells
c. Thyrotropin-releasing factor receptors
d. Thyroglobulin and thyroid peroxidase
e. TSH receptors