
(coco) #1

240.Malignancies most frequently arise from which portion of the organ
shown in the photomicrograph below?

364 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

a. Lactiferous duct
b. Periurethral glands
c. Outer peripheral glands
d. Germ cells
e. Mammary alveoli

241.Naturally occurring, nonpathologic cervical eversions (“erosions”)
are usually naturally corrected by reepithelialization. These eversions are
most prevalent in which one of the following reproductive classifications of

a. Prepubertal female
b. Postpubertal, premenopausal, nulliparous female
c. Premenopausal, multiparous female
d. Menopausal, nulliparous female
e. Late postmenopausal female

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