
(coco) #1

and saccule are perpendicular to one another. These maculae contain type I
and type II hair cells, which differ in their innervation. The hair cells have
stereocilia and a kinocilium embedded in a membrane that contains otoco-
nia (statoconia) composed of calcium carbonate. The stereocilia and kinocilia
are embedded in the cupola, which does not contain the otoconia found in
the maculae. The endolymph turns right when the head turns left and vice
versa. Movement stimulates the stereocilia and induces depolarization
(answer b).The interdental cells (answer d)produce the tectorial mem-
brane, which is essential for the development of the shearing force in the
process of sound transduction in the organ of Corti. It detects sound vibra-
tion and is responsive to variation in the frequency of sound waves. There are
2 types of pillar cells: inner and outer. The pillar cells along with Deiter’s cells
provide cellular mechanical coupling between the mechanosensory hair cells
and the basilar membrane (answer e).

Eye and Ear Answers 407
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