
(coco) #1

283.Most skeletal elements of the face, for example, bone and cartilages
are derived from which of the following?

a. Cranial intermediate mesoderm
b. Cervical somites
c. Neural crest cells migrating from the cranial neural tube
d. The somatic layer of cranial lateral plate mesoderm
e. The splanchnic layer of cranial lateral plate mesoderm

284.A 53-year-old woman has a paralysis of the right side of her face that
produces an expressionless and drooping appearance. She is unable to
close her right eye, has difficulty chewing and drinking, perceives sounds
as annoyingly intense in her right ear, and experiences some pain in her
right external auditory meatus. Physical examination reveals loss of the
blink reflex in the right eye on stimulation of either cornea and loss of taste
from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue on the right. Lacrimation
appears normal in the right eye, the jaw-jerk reflex is normal, and there
appears to be no problem with balance. The inability to close the right eye
is the result of involvement of which of the following?

a. Zygomatic branch of the facial nerve
b. Buccal branch of the trigeminal nerve
c. Levator palpebrae superioris muscle
d. Superior tarsal muscle (of Müller)
e. Orbital portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle

285.A 62-year-old rock and roller fell out of a palm tree while vacation-
ing in Fiji. He had climbed the tree and had fallen while trying to reach one
of the coconuts. He didn’t think he had broken any bones in the fall. While he
felt fine the day of the fall, the next morning he awoke with a bad headache
and was relatively incoherent. At the Fiji emergency room both frontal and lat-
eral skull plain films showed no evidence of any fracture but during the phys-
ical exam papilledema was noted especially in one eye. He was flown to New
Zealand where head CT findings were consistent with which of the following

a. epidural hematoma
b. subdural hematoma
c. pituitary tumor
d. Grave’s disease
e. trigeminal neuralgia

412 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

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