
(coco) #1

293.A 72-year-old man presents in the emergency room with dizziness
and nystagmus. Examination reveals a loss of pain and temperature sensa-
tion over the right side of the face and the left side of the body. The patient
exhibits ataxia and intention tremor on the right in both the upper and
lower extremities and is unable to perform either the finger-to-nose or heel-
to-shin tasks on the right. In addition, he is hoarse and demonstrates pupil-
lary constriction and drooping of the eyelid on the right. Finally, the right
side of his face is drier than the left. Following vascular blockage, necrotic
damage in which of the following would explain the patient’s hoarseness?

a. Nucleus ambiguus
b. Lateral spinothalamic tract
c. Spinal nucleus of CN V
d. Descending sympathetic pathways
e. Inferior cerebellar peduncle

294.In dislocation of the jaw, displacement of the articular disk beyond
the articular tubercle of the temporomandibular joint results from spasm or
excessive contraction of which of the following muscles?

a. Buccinator
b. Lateral pterygoid
c. Medial pterygoid
d. Masseter
e. Temporalis

416 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

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