
(coco) #1

304.A woman is found to have internal (medially directed) strabismus of
the left eye, paralysis of the muscles of facial expression on the left side,
hyperacusis (louder perception of sounds) of the left ear, and loss of taste
from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue on the left. Her mouth is some-
what drier than normal. In addition, there is a lack of tearing in her left eye,
and a blink reflex cannot be elicited from the stimulation of either the right
or the left cornea. She has upper motor neuron paralysis of the right side of
her body. Internal strabismus (deviation of the eye medially) results from
paralysis of which of the following cranial nerves?

a. Cranial nerve II
b. Cranial nerve III
c. Cranial nerve IV
d. Cranial nerve V
e. Cranial nerve VI

305.During a neck dissection, the styloid process is used as a landmark.
Which of the following statements correctly pertains to one of the four
structures that attach to the styloid process?

a. The stylohyoid muscle attaches to the lesser horn of the hyoid bone
b. The styloglossus muscle acts to protrude the tongue
c. The stylohyoid ligament attaches to the lingula of the mandible
d. Distally the stylopharyngeus muscle is split by the digastric muscle

422 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

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