
(coco) #1

313.A 32-year-old woman was brought into the emergency room from a
car accident. She was conscious, but had been knocked unconscious for a
couple of minutes by the forces of a car that had run a stop sign, broad-
siding her. You note that she complains of a stiff neck and tilts her head
slightly to the right. While performing a cranial nerve exam, you note that
her left eye has difficulty moving inferiorly from a fully adducted horizon-
tal position, as when she looks down at her feet. You would order a head
CT with specific imaging of which of the following cranial nerves?

a. Right cranial nerve III
b. Left cranial nerve III
c. Right cranial nerve IV
d. Left cranial nerve IV
e. Left cranial nerve VI

314.An 85-year old woman comes into your family practice office
because she says she is losing weight and she is having trouble chewing.
Which of the following muscles is a pure elevator of the jaw?

a. Buccinator muscle
b. Geniohyoid muscle
c. Lateral pterygoid muscle
d. Medial pterygoid muscle
e. Posterior fibers of temporalis muscle

315.The parents of a 3-year-old at are their wit’s end because he has had
six middle ear infections. You explain that his eustachian (auditory) tube is
notfunctioning correctly. You correctly explain that in order to treat recur-
rent middle-ear infections, pressure equalization (PE) tubes are sometimes
placed at what location within the ear drum?

a. At the umbo of the tympanic membrane
b. At the attachment of the manubrium with the tympanic membrane
c. At the pars flaccida of the tympanic membrane where the fibrous layer is
d. In the inferior half of the tympanic membrane
e. In the eustachian tube to keep it open, because that is often the cause of the ini-
tial problem

Head and Neck 427
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