DIRECTIONS: Each item below contains a question or incomplete
statement followed by suggested responses. Select the one bestresponse to
each question.
369.You deliver a newborn baby girl that has an umbilical hernia with
part of another organ attached to its inner surface. What portion of the gas-
trointestinal tract is most likely to be attached to the inner surface of the
umbilical hernia?
a. Anal canal
b. Appendix
c. Cecum
d. Ileum
e. stomach
370.A 46-year-old bakery worker is admitted to a hospital in acute dis-
tress. She has experienced severe abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting for
2 days. The pain, which is sharp and constant, began in the epigastric
region and radiated bilaterally around the chest to just below the scapulas.
Subsequently, the pain became localized in the right hypochondrium. The
patient, who has a history of similar but milder attacks after hearty meals
over the past 5 years, is moderately overweight and the mother of four. Pal-
pation reveals marked tenderness in the right hypochondriac region and
some rigidity of the abdominal musculature. An x-ray without contrast
medium shows numerous calcified stones in the region of the gallbladder.
The patient shows no sign of jaundice (icterus). Diffuse pain referred to the
epigastric region and radiating circumferentially around the chest is the
result of afferent fibers that travel via which of the following nerves?
a. Greater splanchnic
b. Intercostal
c. Phrenic
d. Vagus
e. Pelvic splanchnics
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