DIRECTIONS: Each item below contains a question or incomplete
statement followed by suggested responses. Select the one bestresponse to
each question.
414.Which of the following is a characteristic of the female (compared
with the male) pelvis?
a. A heart-shaped (as opposed to an oval-shaped) pelvic inlet
b. A relatively deep (as opposed to shallow) false pelvis with ilia that are flared
c. A pelvic outlet of smaller diameter
d. A subpubic angle of about 85°
415.A young couple comes to your urology office because of inability to
conceive a wanted child after 1 year of unprotected sex. The wife had
already undergone a gynecological workup, including testing for 3 months
showing a normal ovulation profile as confirmed by an ovulatory kit. The
primary care physician describes the husband’s physical exam as normal
and had already ordered a semen analysis and had forwarded the results to
you. The semen volume was 0.5 mL, pH 6.8, and azospermic without any
fructose. The husband has a brother, who has two children, one of whom
has confirmed cystic fibrosis. You order a pelvic MRI of the husband to
determine whether which of the following exist(s)?
a. Bilateral abdominal testicles
b. Hypospadias
c. Congenital absence of ejaculatory ducts and vas deferens
d. Congenital hydrocele
e. Congenital absence of the prostate gland
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