
(coco) #1

  • With the noted bilateral exceptions, lesion of the pyramidal tract above
    the decussation results in spastic paralysis, loss of fine movements, and
    hyperreflexia on the contralateral side.

  • Lesion of the corticospinal tract in the cord results in ipsilateral deficits.

The Extrapyramidal (Basal Ganglia) System

  • The basal ganglia (caudate, putamen, globus pallidus) and associated
    nuclei (e.g., substantia nigra) do not project directly to medullary or
    spinal lower motor neurons, but to the motor cortex.

  • The system controls coarse, stereotyped movements. Lesions result in
    altered muscle tone (usually rigidity), paucity of movement, and the
    appearance of rhythmic tremors and writhing or jerky movements.

Reticular Pathways

  • Nuclei of the reticular system send ascending projections to the hypo-
    thalamus and thalamus as well as descending projections to the motor
    nuclei of cranial nerves, and the intermediate gray of the spinal cord.

  • The reticular formation has reciprocal connections with most other areas
    of the CNS and produces both faciliatory and inhibitory effects on motor
    systems, receptors, and sensory conduction pathways.

42 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

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