appears to be the case in this image. The inferior facet joint on L5 has bro-
ken from the lamina of the L5 and thus allowed the body and L5 to slide
anteriorly and inferiorly on top of the sacrum. Kyphosis(answer a)is an
abnormal anterior curvature, generally in the thoracic region of the elderly.
Scoliosis(answer b)is an abnormal lateral curvature and rotation of the
vertebral column, most frequently initiates during adolescence, and involves
both lumbar and thoracic region. Lordosis (answer c),an anterior convex
curvature of the vertebral column (so-called secondary curvature), most
frequently occurs within adults and within the lumbar region. Lordosis
generally does notinvolve fracture of the vertebrae, as has occurred here.
496.The answer is d.(Moore and Dalley, p 437.)Pedicle (Din the image
in question 495). The pedicle (D)attaches to the vertebral body (E)and
extends posteriorly and from there both the lamina and the transverse
process (C)are given off. A is the inferior articular facet of L2. Bis the
superior articular facet of L3.
497.The answer is b.(Moore and Dalley, pp 695–699.)The medial menis-
cus is attached to the medial (tibial) collateral ligament, which holds it rel-
atively immobile, making it more susceptible. It is relatively immovable
and, therefore, unable to evade damage such as occurred in this case. The
medial meniscus is clearly notattached to the popliteus muscle (answer a)
nor tothe anterior cruciate ligament (answer c).The knee usually gets hit
laterally, causing more torsion on the medial meniscus (answer d),making
this the second best answer.
498.The answer is d.(Moore and Dalley, pp 524–526.)L1. The denticu-
late ligament is generally described as a specialization of the pia layer of the
meninges of the spinal cord. It extends laterally from the spinal cord to
attach to the dura mater within the spinal canal. It contains connective tis-
sue covered with pia mater. It attaches focally at about 20 spots to the inner
surface of the dura mater, thus limiting the mobility of the spinal cord.
Since the adult spinal cord ends at about L1–L2 as the medullary cone, the
denticulate ligament generally ends by about L1. None of the other
answers(answers a, b, c, and e)are correct.
499.The answer is b. (Moore and Dalley, pp 502–504.)The deep incisure
in the inferior border of the pedicle ensures that the spinal nerve associated
602 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology