(^280) Edward Hirsch
- Stevens, The Necessary Angel(London: Faber and Faber, 1951), 142.
- Stevens, Opus Posthumous,158.
- Stevens, The Palm at the End of the Mind,ed. Holly Stevens (New York: Random,
Vintage, 1971), 71. - Ibid., 46.
- Ibid., 164.
- Crane, Complete Poems,220–21.
- Ibid., 25.
- Crane, The Letters of Hart Crane 1916–1932,ed. Brom Weber (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1965), 71. - Crane, Complete Poems,234–40.
- Blackmur, “New Thresholds, New Anatomies,” in Form and Value in Modern Poetry
(Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1957), 269–86; Allen Tate, “Hart Crane” and “Crane: The
Poet as Hero,” in Collected Essays(Denver: Allan Swallow, 1959), 225–37, 528–32; Yvor
Winters, “The Significance of The Bridge by Hart Crane, or What Are We to Think of
Professor X?” in In Defense of Reason(Denver: Denver University Press, 1943), 575–603. - Crane, Letters,90.
- Ibid., 114–15.
- Crane, Complete Poems,30.
- Crane, Letters,89.
- Crane, Complete Poems,41.
- Crane, Letters,274, 305, 124, 129, 308.
- R.W.B. Lewis, The Poetry of Hart Crane(Princeton: Princeton University Press,
1967), 219–45. - Elinor Wylie: Nets to Catch the Wind(1921), Black Armour(1923), Trivial Breath
(1928), Angels and Earthly Creatures(1929). Sara Teasdale: Flame and Shadow(1920), Dance
of the Moon(1926). Edna St. Vincent Millay: A Few Figs from Thistles(1920), Second April
(1921), The Harp-Weaver(1923), The Buck in the Snow(1928). Leonie Adams: Those Not
Elect(1925), High Falcon(1929). Louise Bogan: Body of This Death(1923), Dark Summer
(1929). - Alicia Suskin Ostriker, Stealing the Language: The Emergence of Women’s Poetry in
America(Boston: Beacon, 1981) 44. - Marianne Moore, Predilections(New York: Viking, 1955), 130.
- Quoted in Moore, Predilections,130.
- Stevens, The Palm at the End of the Mind,190.