Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1

(^460) Chronology
1889 Conrad Aiken is born in Savannah, Georgia on August 5.
1892 Edna St. Vincent Millay is born in Rockland, Maine on
February 22.
1894 E.E. Cummings is born on October 14 in Cambridge,
1899 Hart Crane is born in Garrettsville, Ohio. Allen Tate is
born November 19 in Winchester, Kentucky.
1900 Sigmund Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams. Death of
Friedrich Nietzche.
1902 Langston Hughes is born February 1 in Joplin, Missouri.
William James: The Varieties of Religious Experience. Edwin
Arlington Robinson: Captain Craig and Other Poems.
1903 Countee Cullen is born March 30. Death of Herbert
Spencer. Ford Motor Company founded. Wright brothers
make first successful flight.
1904 Russo-Japanese War begins. Academy of Arts and Letters
founded. Max Weber: The Protestant Ethic and the Birth of
1905 Alfred Stieglitz opens “291” in New York.
1906 Death of Paul Laurence Dunbar.
1907 William James: Pragmatism. Picasso: Les Demoiselles
d’Avignon. Sara Teasdale: Sonnets to Duse and Other Poems.
Cubist Exhibition in Paris.
1908 Gertrude Stein: Three Lives.
1909 Ezra Pound: Personae. Gertrude Stein: Three Lives. Gustave
Mahler: Symphony No. 9. William Carlos Williams: Poems.
1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire in New York. Ezra
Pound: Canzoni. Sara Teasdale: Helen of Troy and Other Poems.
1912 Marcel Duchamp: Nude Descending a Staircase. Poetrymagazine
founded in Chicago. Amy Lowell: A Dome of Many-Colored Glass.
1913 Robert Frost: A Boy’s Will. Marcel Proust: Swann’s Way.
Marcel Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircaseexhibited at
the Armory in New York.
1914 Robert Frost: North of Boston. World War I begins. Ezra
Pound (ed.): Des Imagistes. Amy Lowell: Sword Blades and
Poppy Seeds. Blast founded.
1915 Edgar Lee Masters: Spoon River Anthology.

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