Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1

(^462) Chronology
1927 Charles Lindbergh makes solo flight over the Atlantic
Ocean. Martin Heidegger: Being and Time. Langston
Hughes: Fine Clothes to the Jew. Robinson Jeffers: The
Woman at Point Sur.
1928 Robert Frost: West-Running Brook. W.B. Yeats: The Tower.
D.H. Lawrence: Lady Chatterly’s Lover. Nella Larsen:
Quicksand. Allen Tate: Mr. Pope and Other Poems.
1929 William Faulkner: The Sound and the Fury. Stock market
crash initiates the Great Depression. Museum of Modern
Art opens in New York. Louise Bogan: Dark Summer.
1930 Hart Crane: The Bridge. Empire State Building erected in
New York. T.S. Eliot: Ash Wednesday. Ezra Pound: A Draft
of XXX Cantos. W.H. Auden: Poems.
1931 E.E. Cummings: ViVa. Langston Hughes: Dear Lovely
Death. Laura Riding Jackson: Laura and Francisca. John
Crowe Ransom: God Without Thunder. Death of Nicholas
Vachel Lindsay.
1932 Death of Hart Crane. Ernest Hemingway: Death in the
Afternoon. Aldous Huxley: Brave New World. Robinson
Jeffers: Thurso’s Landing.
1933 Gertrude Stein: Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas. T.S. Eliot:
The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism. John Brooks
Wheelright: Rock and Shell. Death of Sara Teasdale.
1934 Ezra Pound: ABC of Reading. T.S. Eliot: After Strange Gods.
George Oppen: Discrete Series. Charles Reznikoff: Jerusalem.
1935 T.S. Eliot: Murder in the Cathedral. Salvador Dali: Giraffe on
Fire. Marianne Moore: Selected Poems. Walter Benjamin:
“The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.”
Wallace Stevens: Ideas of Order. William Carlos Williams:
An Early Martyr. Robinson Jeffers: Solstice and Other Poems.
Muriel Rukeyser: Theory of Flight. Death of Edwin
Arlington Robinson.
1936 Robert Frost: A Further Range. Piet Mondrian: Composition
in Red and Blue. Spanish Civil War begis. Charlie Chaplin:
Modern Times. Allen Tate: The Mediterranean and Other
1937 Pablo Picasso: Guernica. J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit.
Wallace Stevens: The Man with the Blue Guitar. Louise
Bogan: The Sleeping Fury.

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