(^466) Contributors
HUGH KENNER (1923–2003) taught English at Johns Hopkins
University and the University of Georgia. His many books include The Pound
Era, The Stoic Comedians, The Counterfeiters, and A Homemade World.
ALAN TRACHTENBERG has taught at Pennsylvania State University and
at Yale University. He has written The Incorporation of Amerca: Culture and
Society in the Gilded Ageand Reading American Photographs: Images as History,
Matthew Brady to Evans Walker.
THOMAS R. WHITAKER is Emeritus Professor of English at Yale
University. His books include Fields of Play in Modern Dramaand Mirrors of
Our Playing, as well as studies of Yeats and Williams.
HELEN HENNESSEY VENDLER teaches at Harvard University. Her
many books include studies of Yeats, Stevens, Herbert, Keats, Heaney, and
Shakespeare’s sonnets. Her most recent work is Coming of Age as a Poet.
ROBERT LANGBAUM has taught English at the University of Virginia.
His works include The Modern Spirit, The Mysteries of Identity, and The Poetry
of Experience.
RICHARD POIRIER is Professor Emeritus of English at Rutgers
University. He is the Editor of Raritan Quarterly. In addition to Robert Frost:
The Work of Knowing, he is the author of The Performing Self, A World
Elsewhere, Poetry and Pragmatism, and Trying it Out in America.
JAMES E. MILLER, JR. is Helen A. Regenstein Professor Emeritus of
English at the University of Chicago. His books include T.S. Eliot’s Personal
Wasteland, The American Quest for a Supreme Fiction: Whitman’s Legacy in the
Personal Epic, and Leaves of Grass: America’s Lyric-Epic of Self and Democracy.
ELEANOR COOK is Professor of English at the University of Toronto.
She is the author of Poetry, Word-Play, and Word-War in Wallace Stevensand
Against Coercion: Games Poets Play.
EDWARD HIRSCH teaches at the University of Houston. He is the author
of five books of poetry, and he writes frequently about poetry for American
Poetry Reviewand The New Yorker.
sean pound
(Sean Pound)