Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1

484 Index

Crying of Lot 49, The (Pynchon), 464
“Cubanola Glide, The” (Eliot), 411
Cubist Exhibition, 460
Cullen, Countee, 256
birth, 460
death, 463
Cummings, E.E., 19, 256, 264
birth, 460
Collected Poems, 463
death, 464
The Enormous Room, 269
Is 5, 461
language of, 268
Tulips and Chimneys, 269461
ViVa, 462
XLI Poems, 269, 461
“Cutty Sark” (Crane, H.)
quest in, 76
sunken island in, 84

Dali, Salvador
Giraffe on Fire, 462
“Dance, The” (Crane, H.), 361
“Dancer, The” (H.D.), 364–65,
Daniel, Arnaut, 15
“Dans le Restaurant” (Eliot), 157
Dante, 23, 249
“Darkling Thrush, The” (Hardy),
Dark Summer (Bogan), 462
“Dead Baby, The” (Williams), 9
Dead Priestess Speaks, A (H.D.), 377
“Dead Priestess Speaks, A” (H.D.),
Dear Lovely Death (Hughes), 462
Death in the Afternoon (Hemingway),
“Dedication for a Plot of Ground”
(Williams), 103–3
“Dejection: An Ode” (Coleridge),

“Della Primavera Trasportata Al
Morale” (Williams), 105–6
“Demeter”(H.D.), 369
“Demiurge’s Laugh, The” (Frost), 4
Demoiselles d’Avignon, Les (Picasso),
Demuth, Charles, 264
Descartes, Rene, 240
“Descent of Winter, The”
(Williams), 11, 105
Description without Place (Williams),
139, 239
Desert Music, The (Williams), 11,
“Desert Places” (Frost), 169,
173–75, 181, 184
“Design” (Frost), 5, 181
“Desire To Make Love in a Pagoda,
The” (Stevens), 236–37
Dial, The (magazine), 41, 147, 199,
281, 442, 444, 461
Dialect of Modernism, The(North),
Dickinson, Emily, 8, 19, 29–30, 74,
271, 299
Dickens, Charles, 240
“Directive” (Frost), 3–4, 6, 175
Discrete Series (Oppen), 462
“Dock Rats” (Moore), 443
Dome of Many-Colored Glass, A
(Lowell, A.), 460
“Domination of Black” (Stevens),
“Dominion” (Moore), 451–53
Donne, John, 258, 273, 277, 344
“Twicknam Garden,” 126
Dos Passos, John, 269
Dove, Arthur, 264
Draft of XXX Cantos, A (Pound),
199, 462
writing of, 259
“Dream Boogie” (Hughes), 395–96,
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