Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1

490 Index

“Epitaph,” 370
“Eros,” 367
“Eurydice,” 380
The Flowering of the Rod, 387, 463
and Freud, 363–93
Helen in Egypt, 380, 388–89
Heliodora and Other Poems, 367,
“In the Rain,” 370
Ion, 375–77, 388
The Islands, 367
“The Islands,” 367
lesbianism, 363–93
“Magician,” 371
“The Master,” 373, 375
“The Mysteries: Renaissance
Choros,” 370–71
“The Pear Tree,” 364
Red Roses for Bronze, 369–71
Sea Garden, 364–65, 461
“Sea Gods,” 364
“Sea Rose,” 364
“Sheltered Garden,” 364
“Toward the Piraeus,” 367, 380
“Trance,” 370
“The Tribute,” 365–67
Tribute to the Angels, 383–87, 463
Tribute to Freud, Writing on the
Wall, 371–72
Trilogy, 372–73, 380, 388
The Walls Do Not Fall, 380–83,
“He ‘Digesteth Harde Yron”
(Moore), 21, 430
Heidegger, Martin
Being and Time, 462
Helen in Egypt (H.D.), 380, 388–89
Helen of Troy and Other Poems
(Teasdale), 460
Heliodora and Other Poems (H.D.),
367, 461
Hemingway, Ernest, 264

Death in the Afternoon, 462
A Moveable Feast, 464
The Sun Also Rises, 461
“Hemmed-in Males” (Williams),
Herbert, George, 19–20
“Hero, The” (Moore), 448
“Hey” (Hughes), 406
“Hibiscus on the Sleeping Shore”
(Stevens), 235
Hill, Geoffrey, 21, 238
“Hill Wife, The” (Frost), 317, 329
Hirsch, Edward, 466
on the American poetry of the
1920s, 253–80
Hitler, Adolf, 463
Hobbitt, The (Tolkien), 462
Hoffman, Frederick, 255
Hollander, John, 186
Figure of Echo, 301–2
Hollow Men, The (Eliot), 260, 461
“Holy Grail, The” (Tennyson), 24
Homage to Sextus Propertius (Pound),
53, 63
“Home Burial” (Frost), 169, 312,
332, 338–39
Homer, 13, 18
Hope, Francis, 253
Hopper, Edward
Nighthawks, 463
Howells, William Dean, 396
“How Hard It Is to Keep from
Being King When It’s in You and
in the Situation” (Frost), 193
Howl(Ginsberg), 464
Hughes, Langston, 256
aesthetic achievement of jazz,
autobiography, 401
The Big Sea, 463
birth, 460
criticism, 395
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