492 Index
The Varieties of Religious
Experience, 460
January: A Novelette (Williams), 99
Jarrell, Randall, 233, 262
Blood for a Stranger, 463
Poetry and the Age, 464
The Rage for the Lost Penny, 463
Selected Poems, 464
Jeffers, Robinson, 253
birth, 459
death, 464
Solstice and Other Poems, 462
Thurso’s Landing, 462
The Woman at Point Sur, 462
“Jerboa, The” (Moore), 43–44, 429
Jerusalem (Reznikoff), 462
Johnson, Charles S., 399
Johnson, James H., 409
Johnson, James Weldon
“Under the Bamboo Tree,”
Joyce, James, 248, 283, 363
Chamber Music, 56
Dubliners, 56
Finnegan’s Wake, 55, 463
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young
Man, 291, 294, 461
Ulysses, 25, 56, 58, 147, 257, 261,
Jubilate Agno(Smart), 20
“July Mountain” (Stevens), 236
Jung, Carl, 147, 153
“Jungle, The” (Williams), 95
Kahn, Otto H., 352
Kearns, Katherine, 467
on Frost’s obsession with
visionary, mythical maidens,
Keats, John, 136
The Fall of Hyperion, 13
Hyperion, 13
influences of, 111, 120, 196, 271,
284, 330
influence on Williams, 11–13
“To Autumn,” 94, 238
“Keeping Their World Large”
(Moore), 21
Kees, Weldon
The Last Man, 463
Kenner, Hugh, 18, 267, 466
on Eliot, 24
on Pound’s Hugh Selwyn
Mauberley sequence, 53–69
on The Wasteland, 144
King, Martin Luther, 464
Klee, Paul
Gartenplan, 461
Kooning, William de
Woman and Bicycle, 464
Kora in Hell (Williams), 11, 89–90,
105, 108, 265–66
Kreymborg, Alfred, 264
“Kubla Khan” (Coleridge), 360
“Lachrymae Christ” (Crane, H.),
Lady Chatterly’s Lover (Lawrence),
Langbaum, Robert, 466
on the dramatic monologues of
The Waste Land, 143–66
Larsen, Nella
Quicksand, 462
Last Man, The (Kees), 463
Last of the Mohicans, The(Cooper),
“Last Word of the Bluebird, The”
(Frost), 316
“Late Walk, A” (Frost), 315
Laura and Francisca (Jackson), 462
Lavender Mist(Pollock), 463
Lawrence, D.H., 182, 363, 380, 452
Birds, Beasts and Flowers, 27