Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1

494 Index

“Man Alone” (Van Dore), 185–86
“Man Carrying Thing” (Stevens),
Manchurian Candidate, The
(Frankenheimer), 464
Man with the Blue Guitar, The
(Stevens), 462
“Maple” (Frost), 321
Map of Misreading, A (Bloom), 30
Mardi (Melville), 281, 283
Mariani, Paul, 13
Marin, John, 264
Mariner and Mystic(Weaver),
Marlowe, Christopher, 31, 74, 273
“Marriage” (Moore), 14, 21, 41, 98,
“Marriage Ritual, A” (Williams), 11
Martin, Robert K., 304
Martz, Louis L., 467
on H.D.’ s new religion, 363–93
Marvell, Andrew, 447
Mask for Janus, A (Merwin), 464
Masque of Reason, A (Frost), 463
“Master, The” (H.D.), 373, 375
Masters, Edgar Lee
birth, 459
death, 463
Spoon River Anthology, 460
Mather, Cotton
Wonders of the Invisible World, 202
Matisse, Henri
L’Odalisque, 461
Matthiessen, F.O.
on The Wasteland, 143
“Maud: A Monodrama” (Tennyson),
Maximus Poems, The (Olson), 464
McCay, Claude, 256
McKibben, William, 437
Meaning of Contemporary Realism,
The(Lukács), 397

“Medallion” (Pound), 67
“Médecin Malgré Lui” (Williams)
ironic plot of, 90
Mediterranean and Other Poems, The
(Tate), 462
Melville, Herman, 3, 74, 140, 271
“The Encantadas,” 305
influence on Crane, 281–87, 296,
299–303, 305
Israel Potter, 283
Mardi, 281, 283
Moby Dick, 71, 82, 224, 275, 283,
291, 300
“Monody,” 302
Omoo, 283
Pequod, 82, 291
Piazza Tales, 283, 288, 305
Typee, 283
White-Jacket, 283
Mencken, H.L., 433
The American Language, 434
Men, Women, and Ghosts (Lowell,
A.), 461
Merlin(Robinson), 1
“Mermen, The” (Crane), 305
Merrill, James
First Poems, 463
Nights and Days, 464
Merwin, W.S.
The Lice, 464
A Mask for Janus, 464
“Metamorphosis” (Stevens), 238
“Metaphors of a Magnifico”
(Stevens), 272
Middleton, Thomas
Women Beware Women, 146
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 256, 268,
Ballad of the Harp-Weaver, 461
birth, 460
death, 463
Renascence and Other Poems, 461
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