504 Index
Stewart, Susan
On Longing, 444
Stieglitz, Alfred, 264
“291,” 460
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy
Evening” (Frost), 270–71
“Storm Fear” (Frost), 321
Strauss, Richard
The Egyptian Helen, 389–90
Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams,
T.), 463
Street in Bronzeville, A (Brooks), 463
“Student, The” (Moore), 42–43, 448
Studies in Classic American Literature
(Lawrence), 282
“Study of Images II” (Stevens),
“Subverted Flower, The” (Frost),
191–93, 328, 332
“Summer Night” (Hughes), 404–5
Sun Also Rises, The (Hemingway),
“Sunday in the Park” (Williams),
“Sunday Morning” (Stevens), 238,
Sweeney Agonistes(Eliot), 413–14,
Swenson, May, 19
Swinburne, Charles Algernon,
“At a Month’s End,” 360
Sword Blades and Poppy Seeds
(Lowell, A.), 460
Symphony No. 9 (Mahler), 460
Tate, Allen, 303
birth, 460
and Crane, 281–82, 284–85,
criticism, 168, 274, 294, 298
Eliot’s influence on, 263–64, 305
Essays of Four Decades, 286
The Mediterranean and Other
Poems, 462
Mr. Pope and Other Poems, 261,
263, 286, 462
“Narcissus as Narcissus,” 264
“Ode to the Confederate Dead,”
263–64, 286, 345
“Procession,” 300
Teasdale, Sara, 276–77
birth, 459
death, 462
Helen of Troy and Other Poems,
Sonnets to Duse and Other Poems,
Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 352
Tender Is the Night (Fitzgerald), 253
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 2, 13, 61,
“The Holy Grail,” 24
The Idylls of the King, 24, 28
influence on Eliot, 22–25
“Maud: A Monodrama,” 22
“Tithonus,” 25
“Terminus” (Emerson), 7
“Thatch, The” (Frost), 321, 333
Theory of Flight (Rukeyser), 462
Theory of the Novel, The (Lukács),
“There Was a Boy” (Wordsworth),
“These” (Williams), 11
“Things of August” (Stevens)
language, 234
“Thirteen Ways of Looking at a
Blackbird” (Stevens), 272, 323
“This and Including That”
(Stevens), 112–13
This in Which (Oppen), 464
“This Solitude of Cataracts”
(Stevens), 236, 238, 244, 246