Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1

506 Index

Turning Wind, A (Rukeyser), 463
Twain, Mark, 282
“Twicknam Garden” (Donne), 126
Two Gentlemen in Bonds (Ransom)
human doubleness theme in, 262
Two or Three Ideas (Stevens), 113,
Typee (Melville), 283

“Ultimate Poem Is Abstract, The”
(Stevens), 121–22
Ulysses(Joyce), 25, 56, 58, 147, 257,
261, 461
“Ulysses, Order, and Myth” (Eliot),
261, 351
“Under the Bamboo Tree”
(Johnson, J.W.), 413–14
“Unison, A” (Williams), 11–13
Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism,
The (Eliot), 462

“Valley’s Singing Day, The” (Frost),
Van Dore, Wade, 187
“The Echo,” 185–86
Far Lake, 185
“Man Alone,” 185–86
Varieties of Religious Experience, The
(James, W.), 460
Vendler, Helen Hennessy, 466
on Stevens’ ironic pastoral,
Very, Jones, 3
Virgil, 181, 239, 259, 444
“Virginia” (Crane, H.), 76
“Virginia Britannia” (Moore),
ViVa (Cummings), 462
“Voyages I” (Crane, H.), 26–27,
275, 285, 302
“Voyages II” (Crane, H.), 285, 299,

“Voyages VI” (Crane, H.), 360–61

Walden (Thoreau), 190
“Walking-Sticks and Paper-Weights
and Water-Marks” (Moore), 49
Waller, Edmund, 15
Walls Do Not Fall, The (H.D.),
380–83, 463
“Walt Whitman” (Robinson), 1
Walt Whitman and the Germans
(Riethmuller), 17
“Wanderer” (Williams), 196
Warren, Robert Penn, 25, 168,
All the King’s Men, 463
Brother to Dragons, 464
Eleven Poems on the Same Theme,
Selected Poems: New and Old,
1923–1966, 464
Waste Land, The (Eliot), 220
characters, 149–51, 160
consciousness, 151, 153, 159
criticism of, 143–44, 148, 199
dramatic monologues of, 143–66
influence of, 13–14, 22, 25,
28–29, 71, 73, 213, 263–65,
269, 271, 274–75, 291, 300,
344–45, 348, 351–53, 356,
359–61, 404, 411–12
language in, 147, 288
narrator, 353–54
plot, 154–55
publication, 96, 461
the quest, 149, 151, 155, 159,
structure of, 163, 260, 355
writing of, 254–55, 259
Watteau, Jean-Antoine, 91
Way Out, A (Frost), 270
Weary Blues, The (Hughes), 409,
415, 461
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