Teach Your Kids To Code: A Parent-friendly Guide to Python Programming

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44 Chapter 3

of the current line without returning, or starting a new line, until
the current line fills up completely and wraps around to the next
one. Take a look at the result in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6: Python prints a screen full of my name when I run SayMyName.py.

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with strings

Strings are so popular that even turtle graphics in Python have
functions for taking strings as input and writing them to the
screen. The function to ask a user for a string, or text, in the
Turtle library is turtle.textinput(); this opens a pop-up window
asking the user for text input and lets us
store that as a string value. Figure 3-7 shows
the nice graphical window that Turtle pops
up for us when we use turtle.textinput("Enter
your name", "What is your name?"). There are
two arguments in Turtle’s textinput() func-
tion. The first argument, "Enter your name", is
the window title for the pop-up window. The
second argument, "What is your name?", is the
prompt that asks the user for the information
we want.
The function for writing a string on the turtle screen is write();
it draws text in the turtle’s pen color and at the turtle’s location on
the screen. We can use write() and turtle.textinput() to combine

Figure 3-7: A text in-
put window in turtle

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