Native Species Planting Guide for New York City

(singke) #1

Staphylea trifolia Bladder-Nut

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FAC Soil: pH 6.0-8.0

Form/Color Deciduous, moderate grower to 15', Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
striped bark, flowers white in May, fruit dry Tolerance: tolerance.
in September-October.

Urban Insufficient information to determine

Tolerance: tolerance.

Habitat: Forest understories, edges in moist, often

rocky soil.
Ecosystem Wildlife value low.

Hydrology: Moderately tolerant of drought, flooding.

Ornamental Striped bark. Yellow, balloon-like hanging
Value: fruit. Compatibility:

Salt Intolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other:

Shade Tolerant of shade.


Symphoricarpos albus Common Snowberry

Native To: Regional Wetland Indicator: FACU- Soil: pH 6.0-7.8

Form/Color Deciduous, grows to 3', shreddy bark, Stormwater Insufficient information to determine

flowers white in May-July, white fruit in Tolerance: tolerance.

Urban Tolerant of coarse, medium, and fine

Tolerance: soils, intolerant of anaerobic soil.

Habitat: Edges, degraded woodlands.

Ecosystem Food and shelter for birds, mammals.

Hydrology: Tolerant of drought.

Ornamental White flowers and fruit.
Value: Compatibility:

Salt Moderately tolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other: Infected by a powdery mildew, leaves
attacked by leafmining fly larva.

Shade Tolerant of shade.

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