Native Species Planting Guide for New York City

(singke) #1

Polygonum sagittatum Arrow-leaved Tearthumb

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: OBL Soil: pH 4.0-8.5

Form/Color Grows to 6'; reclining stems; pink to green Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
flowers bloom and fruits August- Tolerance: tolerance.
November; fast grower.

Urban Insufficient information to determine

Tolerance: tolerance.

Habitat: Freshwater tidal and nontidal marshes.

Ecosystem Low wildlife value as food for

Services: waterbirds.

Hydrology: Course, fine, medium textured soils; low

drought tolerance.

Ornamental Pink to green flowers.
Value: Compatibility:

Salt Moderately tolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other: Secondary species erosion control

on open soil of newly restored
Shade Intolerant of shade. wetlands and wetland mitigation.

Polygonum virginianum Jumpseed

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FAC Soil: Not Available.

Form/Color 6'; single stem, greenish white flowers Stormwater Insufficient information to determine

bloom July-October; produces fruit Tolerance: tolerance.

Urban Insufficient information to determine

Tolerance: tolerance.

Habitat: Woods, floodplain forests, common in

disturbed woodlands and urban forests.

Hydrology: Moderately drought tolerant.

Ornamental Greenish white flowers.
Value: Compatibility: Can form colonies.

Salt Insufficient information to determine
Tolerance: tolerance. Other: Used for erosion control and soil

cover in degraded forest understory.
Shade Tolerant of partial shade.

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