Native Species Planting Guide for New York City

(singke) #1

Celtis occidentalis Common Hackberry

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FACU Soil: pH 6.5-8.5

Form/Color Globular form; 75'-100 tall', 75'-100' wide Stormwater Tolerant of stormwater.
spread; light blue green in summer; pale Tolerance:
yellow in autumn; purple brown berry

September to February. Urban Tolerant of concrete debris; intolerant
Tolerance: of soil compaction, performs well in

the right of way. Tolerant of pollution.
Habitat: Lowland wet-mesic, upland dry mesic,
drainage basins, mature floodplains,
wooded slopes, windbreaks. Ecosystem Fruit eaten by humans, songbirds,

Services: and small mammals. Host to
numerous butterflies and moths
Hydrology: Moderately tolerant of flooding and including the hackberry emperor and

saturated soil 25% growing season. American snout.

Ornamental Pale yellow color in fall.

Value: Compatibility:

Salt Tolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other: Medium to long lifespan; frequently
infected by witches' broom, powdery
Shade Moderately tolerant of shade. mildew, leaf spots, moderately fast

Tolerance: growers.

Chamaecyparis thyoides Atlantic White Cedar

Native To: Regional Wetland Indicator: OBL Soil: pH 3.0-5.5

Form/Color Grows to 75'; evergreen tree; small bluish Stormwater Potentially tolerant of stormwater.
cones turn brown; moderate grower. Tolerance:

Urban Performs well in the right of way.

Habitat: Found growing on hummocks in acid
bogs and acid muck soils.
Ecosystem Moderate wildlife value.


Hydrology: Tolerant of flooding; saturated soil almost

100% of the growing season.

Ornamental Attractive, feathery evergreen foliage.
Value: Compatibility:

Salt Tolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other: Minor species for restoration of
marshes edges; evergreen screen in
Shade Intolerant of shade. full sun; good species for raingarden

Tolerance: installations.

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