Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

DC Network Theorems Unit 5 – Kirchhoff's Solution with 2 Sources

Based on Kirchhoff's current law, the current into NODE 1 (I 1 + I 2 ) must equal the current out

of NODE 1 (I 3 ). Therefore, I 3 = I 1 + I 2.

The currents can now be stated in terms of voltage drops.
I 1 + I 2 = I 3

(VR1 /R1) + (VR2 /R2) = VR3 /R3

Another method of applying Kirchhoff's laws is to implement a solution by using mesh currents.
A mesh is the simplest possible closed path within a circuit.

The following mesh equations are based on this circuit.
(I 1 x R1) + (I 1 x R3) - (I 2 x R3) = VS1


(I 2 x R2) + (I 1 x R3) - (I 2 x R3) = -VS2

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