Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

AC1 Fundamentals Unit 8 – Time Constants

Exercise 1 – RC Time Constants


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the time constant of an
RC circuit by using calculated and measured values. You will verify your results with an


  • The time constant (τ) of a circuit is the amount of time required for current (inductive circuit)
    or voltage (capacitive circuit) to reach 63% of its maximum value.

  • An RC circuit time constant (in seconds) is the product of the circuit resistance (in ohms) and
    capacitance (in farads).

  • An RL circuit time constant is the division of the circuit resistance divided into the
    inductance (in henries).

  • Five time constants are required for the component to reach 99% maximum.

  • There are no time constants for a purely resistive circuit because the circuit reacts to changes
    in voltage or current instantaneously.

  • Universal time constant charts are used to determine the amount of voltage across a capacitor
    or current through an inductor when the time constant is known.

  • Charging and discharging curves are equal and opposite.

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