Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

Operational Amplifier Fundamentals Unit 5 – The Inverting Summer

Exercise 1 – Amplifier Operation


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to operate an inverting summing
amplifier. You will verify circuit operation with a multimeter.


  • A summing amplifier combines multiple input voltages and applies individual gain factors to
    each input.

  • To minimize summing errors, R4 is added to the circuit. R4 equals the parallel combination
    of R1, R2, R3, and R5.

  • The summing configuration generates an output voltage equal to the algebraic sum of each
    circuit input voltage multiplied by its respective circuit gain factor.

  • Due to the inverting configuration, the polarity of the summed input voltages is inverted at
    the circuit output.

  • U1, working through the feedback path, keeps the differential input voltage (VD) at 0V.

  • If VD is greater than 0V (positive or negative), U1 is driven into saturation.

  • One of the circuit inputs can be used to null, or trim, the circuit offset voltage to 0V.

  • Circuit input, feedback, and load current distribution depend on the magnitude and polarity
    of the input and output voltages.

  • Apply Ohm's law to determine the magnitude of each current.

  • For positive input voltages, the summed voltage polarity is positive, and electrons flow out of
    the op amp output terminal.

  • For negative input voltages, the summed voltage polarity is negative, and electrons flow into
    the op amp output terminal.

  • If the circuit input voltages are positive and negative, electrons flow in either direction.

  • The direction of the op amp output terminal current is based on the resultant polarity of the
    summed input voltages.

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