Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

Operational Amplifier Fundamentals Unit 5 – The Inverting Summer

Exercise 2 – Averaging


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to operate an inverting summing
amplifier configured for weighting or averaging application. You will verify your results with a


  • A fundamental inverting summing op amp can be configured for summing, scaling
    (weighting), or averaging operations.

  • The circuit is configured as a unity gain inverting summing amplifier.

  • In a unity gain inverting summing amplifier where R2, R1, and RF are equal in value, the
    circuit output voltage equals the sum of the input voltages [VO = - (V1 + V2)].

  • If the inputs have different gains, the input with the greater gain has more weight.

  • If the input resistors are equal and the feedback resistor equals the parallel value of the input
    resistors, VO equals the average of the circuit input voltages.

  • Any number of input voltages can be averaged if the circuit resistor ratios are maintained.












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