Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

Operational Amplifier Fundamentals Unit 7 – The Difference Amplifier

Exercise 1 – Difference Amplifier DC Operation


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to operate a difference amplifier using
dc voltages. You will verify your results with a multimeter.


  • The difference amplifier circuit on the circuit board has resistors R1, R2, R4, and R5 equal to
    each other.

  • Due to the resistor values, VO equals V2 - V1, or the difference between the input voltages.

  • The output voltage polarity is determine by the relationship between the noninverting input
    voltage (V2) to the inverting input voltage (V1).

  • The V2 polarity dominates the V1 polarity and determines the output voltage polarity.

  • The following relationships apply (U1 is not saturated) to the difference amplifier circuit.
    VO = VA - V1
    VA = (V2 x R4)/(R2 + R4)
    VD = 0V VA = VR4












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