Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

Operational Amplifier Fundamentals Unit 8 – Voltage Comparators

Exercise 1 – Open-Loop Operation


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to operate an open-loop comparator.
You will verify your results with a multimeter and an oscilloscope.


  • U1 has very high gain: 50,000 or more.

  • When configured for open-loop operation, U1 tends to saturate.

  • When input voltage equals reference voltage the output voltage is at positive saturation.

  • When input voltage is negative with respect to reference voltage the output voltage is at
    positive saturation.

  • When input voltage is positive with respect to reference voltage the output voltage is at
    negative saturation.

  • U1 switches between +VSAT and -VSAT as VI is adjusted slightly below or above VREF. This
    point of operation is called the circuit trip point.

  • Since the range around the circuit trip point is small, the circuit threshold voltage is narrow.












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