Electricity & Electronic Workbooks

(Martin Jones) #1

Operational Amplifier Fundamentals Unit 8 – Voltage Comparators

Exercise 3 – Square Wave Converter


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to operate a sine wave to square wave
converter. You will verify your results with an oscilloscope.


  • U1 is configured as an open-loop comparator that uses positive feedback and is referred to as
    a Schmitt trigger.

  • Vi is converted from a sine wave into a square wave. Vo switches between +VSAT and -VSAT
    and is in phase with Vi.

  • Positive feedback voltage (VTH) is provided by hysteresis resistor RH. Two trigger points are
    established by the positive feedback.

  • VTH provides a voltage at the noninverting input of U1. Therefore, the circuit is not zero

  • Hysteresis, or positive feedback, creates a window, or band, through which Vi must cross
    before the comparator switches Vo.

  • Based on a specific hysteresis level, a switch in Vo occurs at trigger points A and B.

  • Vo cannot switch back until Vi crosses a trigger point. Within the window, variations of Vi
    do not cause U1 to switch.

  • The voltage difference between points A and B, labeled +VTT and -VTT, equals the circuit
    hysteresis voltage.

  • An increase of positive feedback increases the width of the hysteresis window.

  • A decrease of positive feedback decreases the width of the hysteresis window.

  • Hysteresis reduces the sensitivity of a comparator, increasing the noise immunity of the

  • Based on Vi, a zero based comparator (no hysteresis) generates many changes in Vo. The
    number of transitions in Vo decreases as hysteresis increases.

  • Two equations, based on the saturation level of U1, define the circuit trigger voltages

  • (+VT and -VT). +VT = +VSAT/(R2/R1)
    -VT = -VSAT/(R2/R1)

  • The trigger voltages are based on the saturation voltage of U1. Therefore, the trigger points
    are not symmetrical and vary from op amp to op amp.

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