Fundamentals of Financial Management (Concise 6th Edition)

(lu) #1

134 Part 2 Fundamental Concepts in Financial Management


We sometimes need to know how long it will take to accumulate a certain sum of
money, given our beginning funds and the rate we will earn on those funds. For
example, suppose we believe that we could retire comfortably if we had $1 mil-
lion. We want to! nd how long it will take us to acquire $1 million, assuming we
now have $500,000 invested at 4.5%. We cannot use a simple formula—the situ-
ation is like that with interest rates. We can set up a formula that uses logarithms,
but calculators and spreadsheets! nd N very quickly. Here’s the calculator setup:


4.5 –500000 0 1000000


Enter I/YR! 4.5, PV! $500000, PMT! 0, and FV! 1000000. Then when you
press the N key, you get the answer, 15.7473 years. If you plug N! 15.7473 into the
FV formula, you can prove that this is indeed the correct number of years:

FV! PV(1 " I)N! $500,000(1.045)15.7473! $1,000,000

You would also get N! 15.7473 with a spreadsheet.


F^ TEST The U.S. Treasury o# ers to sell you a bond for $585.43. No payments will be
made until the bond matures 10 years from now, at which time it will be re-
deemed for $1,000. What interest rate would you earn if you bought this
bond for $585.43? What rate would you earn if you could buy the bond for
$550? for $600? (5.5%; 6.16%; 5.24%)
Microsoft earned $0.33 per share in 1997. Ten years later in 2007 it earned
$1.42. What was the growth rate in Microsoft’s earnings per share (EPS) over
the 10-year period? If EPS in 2007 had been $0.90 rather than $1.42, what
would the growth rate have been? (15.71%; 10.55%)


F^ TEST How long would it take $1,000 to double if it was invested in a bank that
paid 6% per year? How long would it take if the rate was 10%? (11.9 years;
7.27 years)
Microsoft’s 2007 earnings per share were $1.42, and its growth rate during
the prior 10 years was 15.71% per year. If that growth rate was maintained,
how long would it take for Microsoft’s EPS to double? (4.75 years)


Thus far we have dealt with single payments, or “lump sums.” However, many
assets provide a series of cash in" ows over time; and many obligations, such as
auto, student, and mortgage loans, require a series of payments. When the pay-
ments are equal and are made at! xed intervals, the series is an annuity. For exam-
ple, $100 paid at the end of each of the next 3 years is a 3-year annuity. If the pay-
ments occur at the end of each year, the annuity is an ordinary (or deferred)

A series of equal payments
at fixed intervals for a
specified number of

A series of equal payments
at fixed intervals for a
specified number of
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