- Chapter 1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Preface xv
- 1.1 Overview of Object-Oriented Programming
- What Is Programming?
- How Do We Write a Program?
- Computer Can Use? 1.2 How Is Java Code Converted into a Form That a
- 1.3 How Does Interpreting Code Differ from Executing It?
- Execution? 1.4 How Is Compilation Related to Interpretation and
- Programming Language? 1.5 What Kinds of Instructions Can Be Written in a
- Object-Oriented Programming Languages
- 1.6 What’s Inside the Computer?
- 1.7 Problem-Solving Techniques
- Ask Questions
- Look for Things That Are Familiar
- Solve by Analogy
- Means-Ends Analysis
- Divide and Conquer
- The Building-Block Approach
- Merging Solutions
- Mental Blocks: The Fear of Starting
- Object-Oriented Problem Solving
- Case Study: Party Planning
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- Programming Problems
- Case Study Follow-Up
- 1.1 Overview of Object-Oriented Programming
- Chapter 2 Java Syntax and Semantics, Classes, and Objects
- 2.1 The Elements of Java Programs
- Syntax and Semantics
- Syntax Templates
- Naming Program Elements: Identifiers
- Built-in Types in Java
- Classes and Objects
- Defining Terms: Declarations
- Field Declarations vi | Contents
- Assignment and Expressions
- Beyond Minimalism: Adding Comments to Code
- Output
- Input
- Interactive Input and Output
- 2.2 Application Construction
- Blocks
- 2.3 Application Entry, Correction, and Execution
- Entering Application Code
- Compiling and Running an Application
- Finishing Up
- 2.4 Classes and Methods
- User Classes
- Methods
- Case Study: Display a Name in Multiple Formats
- 2.5 Testing and Debugging
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- Programming Problems
- Case Study Follow-Up
- 2.1 The Elements of Java Programs
- Chapter 3 Arithmetic Expressions
- 3.1 Overview of Java Data Types
- 3.2 Numeric Data Types
- Integral Types
- Floating-Point Types
- 3.3 Declarations for Numeric Types
- Named Constant Declarations
- Variable Declarations
- 3.4 Simple Arithmetic Expressions
- Arithmetic Operators
- Increment and Decrement Operators
- 3.5 Compound Arithmetic Expressions
- Precedence Rules
- Type Conversion and Type Casting
- 3.6 Additional Mathematical Methods
- 3.7 Value-Returning Class Methods
- 3.8 Additional String Operations
- The length Method Contents | vii
- The indexOf Method
- The substring Method
- Converting Strings to Numeric Values
- Noninteractive Input/Output
- 3.9 Applications with Multiple Class Files
- Case Study: Small Company Payroll
- 3.10 Testing and Debugging
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- Programming Problems
- Case Study Follow-Up
- Chapter 4 Selection and Encapsulation
- 4.1 Flow of Control
- Selection
- 4.2 Conditions and Logical Expressions
- The boolean Data Type
- Logical Expressions
- Precedence of Operators
- Relational Operators with Floating-Point Types
- 4.3 The if Statement
- The if-else Form
- Blocks (Compound Statements)
- The if Form
- 4.4 Nested if Statements
- The Dangling else
- 4.5 Encapsulation
- 4.6 Abstraction
- Data and Control Abstraction
- Case Study: Warning Notices
- 4.7 Testing and Debugging
- Testing Strategies
- The Test Plan
- Execution Tests Performed Automatically During Compilation and
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- Programming Problems viii | Contents
- Case Study Follow-Up
- 4.1 Flow of Control
- Chapter 5 File Objects and Looping Statements
- 5.1 File Input and Output
- Files
- Using Files
- An Example Application Using Files
- 5.2 Looping
- The while Statement
- Phases of Loop Execution
- Loops Using the while Statement
- Count-Controlled Loops
- Event-Controlled Loops
- Looping Subtasks
- How to Design Loops
- Designing the Flow of Control
- Designing the Process Within the Loop
- The Loop Exit
- Nested Loops
- General Pattern
- Designing Nested Loops
- 5.3 Mutable and Immutable Objects
- A Parameter-Passing Analogy
- Case Study: Average Income By Gender
- 5.4 Testing and Debugging
- Loop-Testing Strategy
- Test Plans Involving Loops
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- Programming Problems
- Case Study Follow-Up
- 5.1 File Input and Output
- Chapter 6 Object-Oriented Software Design and Implementation
- 6.1 Software Design Strategies
- 6.2 Objects and Classes Revisited
- 6.3 Object-Oriented Design
- Object-Oriented Problem Solving
- Software Engineering
- 6.4 The CRC Card Design Process
- Identifying the Initial Classes Through Brainstorming
- Filtering Contents | ix
- Determining Responsibilities
- Inheritance
- 6.5 Functional Decomposition
- Writing Modules
- 6.6 Object-Oriented Implementation
- Class Interface Design
- Internal Data Representation
- Responsibilities as Methods
- 6.7 Packages
- Package Syntax
- Packages with Multiple Compilation Units
- Package Example
- Computing Profession 6.8 Ethics and Responsibilities in the
- Software Piracy
- Privacy of Data
- Use of Computer Resources
- Case Study: Address Book
- 6.9 Testing and Debugging
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- Programming Problems
- Case Study Follow-Up
- Chapter 7 Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Scope
- 7.1 Inheritance
- An Analogy
- 7.2 Inheritance and the Object-Oriented Design Process
- 7.3 How to Read a Class Hierarchy
- Overriding
- Hiding
- Polymorphism
- 7.4 Derived Class Syntax
- 7.5 Scope of Access
- Internal Scope
- External Scope
- 7.6 Implementing a Derived Class
- Constructors in Derived Classes
- Overloading and Method Signatures x | Contents
- Accessing Overridden and Hidden Methods and Fields
- A Concrete Example
- 7.7 Copy Constructors
- 7.8 Output and Input of Objects
- Case Study: Extending the Address Book
- 7.9 Testing and Debugging
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- Programming Problem
- Case Study Follow-Up
- 7.1 Inheritance
- Chapter 8 Event-Driven Input and Output
- 8.1 Frames
- Import Classes and Declare Fields
- Some of Their Properties Instantiate Frame Objects and Specify
- Add Output to the Content Pane
- Make the Frame Visible on the Screen
- Import Classes and Declare Fields
- 8.2 Formatting Output
- Using GridLayoutfor Tabular Output
- Alignment of Text Within Jlabels
- 8.3 Event Handling
- Creating a Button
- Creating and Registering a Button Event Listener
- An Event-Handling Example
- Event Loops
- 8.4 Entering Data Using Fields in a Frame
- 8.5 Creating a Data Entry Field
- 8.6 Using a Field
- 8.7 Reading Data in an Event Handler
- Case Study: Totaling Rainfall Amounts
- 8.8 Handling Multiple Button Events
- Case Study: A Simple Calculator
- 8.9 Testing and Debugging
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises Contents | xi
- Programming Problems
- Case Study Follow-Up
- 8.1 Frames
- Chapter 9 Exceptions and Additional Control Structures
- 9.1 Exception-Handling Mechanism
- The try-catch-finally Statement
- Generating an Exception with throw
- Exception Classes
- 9.2 Additional Control Statements
- The switch Statement
- The do Statement
- The for Statement
- Guidelines for Choosing a Looping Statement
- 9.3 Additional Java Operators
- Assignment Operators and Assignment Expressions
- Increment and Decrement Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- The ?: Operator
- Operator Precedence
- Case Study: Monthly Rainfall Averages
- 9.4 Testing and Debugging
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- Programming Problems
- Case Study Follow-Up
- 9.1 Exception-Handling Mechanism
- Chapter 10 One-Dimensional Arrays
- 10.1 Atomic Data Types
- 10.2 Composite Data Types
- 10.3 One-Dimensional Arrays
- Declaring an Array
- Creating an Array
- Declaring and Creating an Array with an Initializer List
- Accessing Individual Components
- Out-of-Bounds Array Indexes
- Aggregate Array Operations
- 10.4 Examples of Declaring and Processing Arrays
- Occupancy Rates xii | Contents
- Sales Figures
- Character Counts
- 10.5 Arrays of Objects
- Arrays of Strings
- Arrays of User-Defined Objects
- 10.6 Arrays and Methods
- 10.7 Special Kinds of Array Processing
- Partial (or Sub) Array Processing
- Indexes with Semantic Content
- Case Study: Grading True/False Tests
- 10.8 Testing and Debugging
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- Programming Problems
- Case Study Follow-Up
- Chapter 11 Array-Based Lists
- 11.1 Lists
- 11.2 List Class
- Brainstorming the List Class
- CRC Card
- Refining the Responsibilities
- Internal Data Representation
- Responsibility Algorithms for Class List
- Test Plan
- 11.3 Sorting the List Items
- Responsibility Algorithms for Class ListWithSort
- Class ListWithSort
- 11.4 Sorted List
- Brainstorming the Sorted List
- Responsibility Algorithms for Class SortedList
- Test Plan
- 11.5 The List Class Hierarchy and Abstract Classes
- 11.6 Searching
- Sequential Search
- Binary Search
- 11.7 Generic Lists
- Comparable Interface
- Polymorphism Contents | xiii
- Case Study: Merging Address Books
- 11.8 Testing and Debugging
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- Programming Problems
- Case Study Follow-Up
- Chapter 12 Multidimensional Arrays and Numeric Computation
- 12.1 Two-Dimensional Arrays
- Array Declaration and Instantiation
- Accessing Individual Components
- Using Initializer Lists
- 12.2 Processing Two-Dimensional Arrays
- Sum the Rows
- Sum to Columns
- Initialize the Array
- Two-Dimensional Arrays and Methods
- 12.3 Multidimensional Arrays
- 12.4 Vector Class
- 12.5 Floating-Point Numbers
- Representation of Floating-Point Numbers
- Arithmetic with Floating-Point Numbers
- in the Computer Implementation of Floating-Point Numbers
- 12.6 Decimal Format Type
- Case Study: Matrix Manipulation
- 12.7 Testing and Debugging
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- Programming Problems
- Case Study Follow-Up
- 12.1 Two-Dimensional Arrays
- Chapter 13 Recursion
- 13.1 What Is Recursion?
- Power Function Definition
- Power Function Implementation xiv | Contents
- 13.2 More Examples with Simple Variables
- Calculating the Factorial Function
- Converting Decimal Integers to Binary Numbers
- Towers of Hanoi
- 13.3 Recursive Algorithms with Structured Variables
- Printing the Values in an Array
- Binary Search
- 13.4 Recursion or Iteration?
- 13.5 Testing and Debugging
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- 13.1 What Is Recursion?
- Chapter 14 Applets
- 14.1 What Is an Applet?
- 14.2 How Do You Write an Applet?
- Factorial
- Calculator
- 14.3 How Do You Run an Applet?
- Web Browsers
- Factorial
- Calculator
- Case Study: Searching Experiments
- 14.4 Testing and Debugging
- Summary
- Quick Check
- Exam Preparation Exercises
- Programming Warm-Up Exercises
- Programming Problems
- Case Study Follow-Up
- Appendixes
- Glossary
- Answers
- Index