How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence

(Marcin) #1
Following Up: Juggling Multiple Offers

You decide based on what makes you feel good! Our per-
sonal values, to the extent that they are fulfilled, are what make
us feel happy and fulfilled. Have you ever given much thought to
how you prioritize the values in your life? How about in your
work? Money is certainly important for most of us, but is proba-
bly not the sole criterion on which most people’s satisfaction at
work is based. There are other things of value like recognition,
intellectual stimulation, social contact, creativity, and even spiri-
tual fulfillment. Take a moment now to assess some of your val-
ues, so that we can use them to help you decide exactly which job
offer is the right one for you.

Values Assessment

Please rank the following values from 1 to 22, with 1 as the most
important and 22 as the least important value.

Now please pick your top 9 values and write them below.

____ Financial security

____ Aesthetics

____ Competition

____ Great wealth

____ Social contact

____ Recognition

____ Helping others

____ Using my technical

____ Spiritual fulfillment

____ Intellectual stimulation

____ Excitement

____ Variety
____ Independence
____ Minimum stress
____ Flextime
____ Short commute
____ Minimum stimulation
____ Challenge
____ Mastery
____ Leadership
____ Routine
____ Opportunity for
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