How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence

(Marcin) #1
Sample Interviews

University, she still has quite a few contacts here. We’d be happy
to be closer to the family and friends. By the way, we’re completely
prepared to pay all relocation costs. I anticipate the move will be
smooth, quick, and efficient.”
[Kei recognized that the question “Will relocation be a problem for
you?” was actually a question behind a question. The interviewer may be
fishing for whether Kei would require expensive relocation fees. In this
case, he anticipated her concern and quickly quelled it by saying that he was
going to pay for relocation costs.]
Lunch arrived, and Kei was careful to wait to take his first bite
until after Tina had taken hers.
“I know you were president of your own company. Does mak-
ing a move to the director level seem like a step down to you?”
“Not at all. In fact, when I think of working for a company as
prominent as Panatel, it seems to me to be more of a lateral move,
considering that my company was relatively small and unknown.
I’ve read the job description of director of launch operations, and
it sounds like a very interesting challenge for me, something I
would like to sink my teeth into over the long term. I’m also very
aware of what might be the possible salary range for the position,
and it sounds reasonable for me financially. I’d be very pleased to
make a long-term commitment to work here as a director, and I
think the position will pose some very interesting problems to
solve, which is exactly what I love to do most.”
[Again Kei recognized that the question behind a question about mov-
ing down in rank was really a question about whether he might be
overqualified for the position and therefore unhappy with either the job
description or the salary. He recognized the concern behind the question
and addressed it immediately by saying he would be happy in the position
and satisfied with the salary.]
“I’m wondering what sort of salary you’re expecting.”
Kei replied, “Moving from Texas to Fort Lauderdale and from
a small company of my own to a major Fortune 500 company, it’s
rather difficult for me to come up with an exact number. Perhaps
you could tell me a reasonable range for a person with my skills.”
“What range did you have in mind?”
“Well,” Kei replied, “for a person with more than 10 years’
experience in marketing and an MBA, I consider myself a candi-
date for the mid to high range of a director’s position in this geo-
graphic area.

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