How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence

(Marcin) #1

I recently had a woman write to me after participating in a
Fearless Interviewing seminar and tell me simply, that Fearless
Interviewing had given her the confidence she needed to go
through an interview. I thought carefully about the word
confidencebecause so many people who’ve attended the semi-
nars have also responded that it gave them just that. What is
The Latin translation of the word confidencemeans “with
courage,” “with faith,” “with trust,” and “without fear.” You
have actually done, through the exercises in this book, what few
people have taken the time to do. You’re not fumbling your way
into an interview with blind faith and proclaiming, “I’m great!
I’m the best! I need the job! Hire me!”
You’re walking in holding your head high and wearing a
smile on your face, knowing that you have a strategy for the
entire meeting, from beginning, to middle, to end. It gives you
a sense of rock-solid clarity to know your skills, know how to
express them, and know how to persuade the employer to value
them too. You know that your assertions are based on truth and
that you need not be fooled by an interviewer’s hidden agenda
or a question designed to throw you off base. You know your-
self, and you know that your pride in your accomplishments is
not based on arrogance but on the palpable realization that by
the effort of your own hands, heart, and mind, youhave, in fact,
achieved those things, however large or small.
At the beginning of this book, I told you that when you had
progressed through a few basic steps, you’d be flying. Here you
are, on the launching pad! (To those of you already beginning
your flight, wait a minute: Can you stay in your chair for just a
moment more?) I want to talk to you before you go out there
and unleash yourself onto the world.
You are a precious, smart, and courageous human being.
Unless you believe that we live in a cruel universe (which I
don’t), then this universe will provide for you an occupation—
a way to spend your time and energy—and a livelihood, a way
to make a living.
There is a rite of passage into that occupation. We call it
an interview.
An interview is simply an opportunity for you to talk about
what you enjoy doing most and what you do best. Yes, there are

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