How to Win the Job by Communicating with Confidence

(Marcin) #1
Fearless Interviewing

which is what this book is preparing you to be. Do you have a
hunch what yourgift may be?

  • What is the thing that people most often compliment you for? Is
    it your wit or intelligence? Is it the ability to find humor
    in any situation?

  • What is a quality that you would never, under any circum-
    stances, give up? Is it your passion or intensity? Is it your
    rationality? Your devotion?

  • What quality would you like to be remembered for after your
    death? Is it your perseverance against all odds? Is it your
    ability to inspire others? Your brilliance? Your compas-
    sion? Your technical expertise? Your leadership?

  • Is your gift... Your kindness? Your refined artistic taste?
    Your vision? Your generosity?

Take a while and think about yourgift. Along with all these exter-
nally oriented skills you have identified in this chapter, see if you
can also bring some of this gift in to the interview. Your gift makes
up some of what we call your chemistrywith another person. If it’s
worth having (which it is), it’s worth sharing.

Skills Summary Page

List the 6 skills you picked from your general skills list:

List your 6 to 10 job-specific skills:

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