Everybody, Always

(avery) #1

I’ve got a lot to learn from Lex. I have plenty of sight and use very
little of it. He has none and somehow sees more than a dozen
optometrists can. I wonder if the Bible has so many stories about blind
people because many of them are in touch with where they are and what
they need. Oftentimes I’m not. I’m learning from Lex the power of
keeping track of where I am, figuring out what I need and listening for
voices I can trust.
As we drove down the correct road, Lex asked, “Do you want me to
blow your mind?”
“Buddy, it’s already blown. There’s nothing left,” I said, shaking my
“There’s a speed bump in thirty feet.” A few moments later, both sets
of tires bounced over the bump in the road.
We’ve all heard the term blind faith. I didn’t understand what it really
meant until I met Lex. He’s the wise man who told me, “It’s not what you
look at; it’s what you see.” I agree.
Keep running your race. Is it going to be easy? Heck, no. You might
even question a couple of times if it’s worth it. Jesus is standing at the
edge of eternity calling your name. He wants you to run toward Him as
fast as your legs will carry you. He knows you can’t always see what is
before you, and He wants you to forget what lies behind you. Fly! Fly!
Fly! His voice is one you can trust. He wants you to run big and jump far.
Last one, best one.

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