
(Wang) #1

that the concept makes sense. Such productivity cannot however be credible without
rendering paramount the memory and affirmation of the African identity. This kind of
proposition is best captured in the recurrent refrain, ‘history is the home address”.
Nevertheless, it is not likely that this bright side will completely obscure the migration of
some South Africans in the post-liberation era. Not least because the persistence of
marginalization of the South African populace and social and economic exclusion in
terms of the delays in the accrual of the gains of liberation will also induce further drift of
citizens across borders of the nation. These conditions of exclusion range from poverty to
the pandemic of HIV/AIDS and the overall elusiveness of the dividends of liberation.

The situation as examined under globalization then speaks vicariously to the ultimate
understanding that emerges from the discussion of exile in this research. In other words,
much as the reluctant migration of Africans to the West especially as from the 1980s can
be blamed on the flipsides of migration on the continent particularly with respect to the
negative impact of western transnational corporations, on the one hand, and that of global
financial institutions whose sympathies lie more with the West than with the rest of the
postcolonial nations of the South, the complicity of African nation states in accelerating if
not aggravating the labour and general human flight cannot be ignored. The corrosive
effect of this on African nations states makes glaring the obsolescence and inadequacy
charge that is today being brought against nation states especially of the postcolonial

It thus stands to reason that in a bid to restore the integrity of the postcolonial African
nation states, the task at hand is that of aspiring towards a transformation of orientation
first of the political elite in order to win the confidence of those Africans who have been
unnecessarily dispersed into a new circle of diaspora in the West. At the same time, the
survival of the nation states which must be precipitated on an assurance of national
integrity must be productively and economically fortified, conscientizing the citizens to
be alive to the challenge of standing up to those exceptionable elements and practices of
globalization that may compromise the survival of nation states. As I hope to argue in the
succeeding chapters and the conclusion in particular, this is one way by which the

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